Group of penguins attending an event

Introducing Yocto Project Overview Seminars

Following discussions with a customer, and as a teaser for our Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded course, we are now offering a 1-day overview seminar on this topic.

Thumbnail of the agenda on

The main goal is to give you a clear view of the Yocto Project and the value it can bring to your embedded Linux device projects. You will have a guided view of its main features and quick demos, all done in an engaging and interactive way.

Here are the main features:

  • Structure: 10 presentations of 30 minutes each + questions and answers (Q&A)
  • Delivery: in-person or online
  • Duration: 1 day (8 hours)
  • Number of participants: unlimited
  • Audience: engineers and decision makers who mainly need to understand the possibilities and terminology
  • Deliverables: copies of presentation materials.
  • Video recording possible

Michael Opdenacker explaining how to use Yocto to boot the Raspberry Pi 5 board with the mainline Linux kernel.

As our normal course is 4-day long, this seminar could be run on the first day of the week for a very wide audience, and then the rest of the week would be dedicated to the course itself for people who really need to use the tool on their job.

Another possibility is to get this seminar first, and then decide who will attend it.

Note: penguin conference image generated by Invoke AI Community Edition on a local computer.