Our difference

Why choose Root Commit courses?

Root Commit courses strive to be innovative and different in multiple ways. In particular, we are using teaching techniques that are backed not only by experience, but also backed by science.

Cover from the "Make it stick" book

No exhaustive theory

We don’t give you all possible details about a topic for several hours before you get a chance to practice and test your understanding.

  • No long sequences of slides: at least every 30 minutes, we keep participants active through quizzes and short practical activities to make sure that new concepts are understood and connected with each other, and to help remember them.
  • Lectures represent at most 25% of the learning time. Some useful details are also shared in our practical lab instructions.
  • Lectures include multiple visuals and examples to make new concepts easier to grasp.
  • Even lectures themselves are interactive.

A lot of practical experience

Learning really happens and sticks when you apply the concepts.

  • Practical labs and short practical activities represent 75% of the time.
  • Our labs are challenging but very progressive, and are designed to reveal parts that are not mastered yet. Making mistakes is an essential part of learning and building experience.
  • Our labs are run on real hardware.
  • We propose final challenges that are closer to real life experience, getting back to multiple topics covered at different stages of the course.

Going on learning after the course

The course is just the beginning of a learning experience.

  • Participants are offered custom Anki flash card desks, allowing them to use spaced repetition to achieve long term retention of key concepts and commands.
  • Participants are also given suggestions for going on practicing after the end of the course, and even for contributing to Open Source projects.
  • Past participants are given the opportunity to join a dedicated Matrix channel (one per type of course), to ask further questions and report related problems from real life, to get notified of course and labs updates, to help each other and to learn from other people’s issues.

Travel sustainability efforts

See our sustainability efforts. In particular, we use low-emission transportation whenever possible, even if it means more time spent traveling.