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There are multiple ways you can help us share free videos, presentations and technical articles about embedded Linux and Free and Open Source Software in general, to “”Elevate everyone’s low-level Linux skills”!

Get trained by us

Penguin Craftsman Source:

One of the strongest ways to support us is to register to one of our public training sessions or ask your employer for a group course at your location or online. See our training page for all details.

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It always helps us to gain visibility when you follow us and like, share and add comments our posts on LinkedIn, Mastodon or YouTube.

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Blogging girl smaller margins

Help us be more visible in search engines by adding links to our resources on your own blog, web or social media pages. Most of the resources we publish are shared on the Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike license, also making them easy for you to modify or reuse.

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We are also interested in your reviews of the materials that we share. Please report any issue and share any suggestions for making them better.

Buy Root Commit merchandise

Root Commit t-shirt

If you like our designs you can also consider ordering (and wearing if possible) our merchandise at Root Commit’s merchandise shop.

Buy us a coffee

Cup of coffee picture

Small donations can also make a big difference at the end, and give us a warm feeling of being supported. You can do this through Root Commit’s Ko-fi page.